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Wow, Stickball. Those quotes are um... pretty unfair.

While most WRPGs have checkpoints, there are plenty of times you die and have to replay. It's part of the game. Being paranoid isn't a bad thing.

The fourth point... He's complaining that you end up having to choose what are essentially specialists? Oh, SNAP. That sucks. It's unfair not having the ability to walk through the last parts of a game with five Supermans as part of your squad. It's not like I had to walk through Fallout 3 without a lick of Science skill because I dedicated my skill points to other things...

I haven't even played the game and I can tell that review is terrible. I'd like to see what that same fellow said about WRPGs he has reviewed. Shame on SE for trying to move the JRPG genre forward with massive - and complicated, game-impacting - choices, which it seems they tried to do with TLR.

As for the LO 80% thing... I wouldn't give LO an 8/10 if my life depended on it. BD, maybe. That game had some incredible battle choices, exploring options, and the combat system was new and fresh... I loved the game. When I reviewed it, I gave it... *drumroll* an 8/10. LO would be a 7-7.5. It brought nothing to the genre and was completely mediocre in every way I can think of.

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