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Is no one else sick of this shit?

Yeah, the article misses on the details. No surprise there - since when has the MSM ever gotten gaming right?

But the extent that fanboys are contorting themselves in order to explain this away is beyond self-parody. What the fuck does CNN's coverage of "Irak" have to do with this article? What, do you think CNN has two people on staff who do all their research and make up all their stories?

All these players can focus on is the Goddamn horse race - Sony has good games next year, its catching up to MS, wait for the price cut- and never mind that the race is over (Wii won). Who cares about pissing away a decade's worth of profit in less than a year - God of War 3 is coming? 16,000 jobs lost, but have you seen Home? Totally worth destroying Sony's financial structure. And hey, you all beat HD-DVD, and Blu-Ray is becoming a big blip on the DVD radar, that's gotta mean something too, right?

Pretty it up anyway you want, the console has hurt Sony badly, and they'll be spending the rest of this generation on damage recovery. What good is salvaging the Playstation brand if Sony itself is crippled in the process?