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dtewi said:

How do you find the formula for a quadratic equation?


 y = x^2

I cant tell just by looking at it.

People here can give you forumuals to find it out, but you really need to be able to look at a graph and logically figure out what it is.  For instance, Y is always positive but X is positive and negative, so y has an odd power and x has an even power.  X increases at a faster rate than Y so X has a higher power.  From there you can just start plugging points into an quadratic equation to get the answer.

If the graphs moves from the origin, just add or subtract from the equation.  Say this same equation was moved rup 1 unit, then you could deduce the equation the same as above, then ask yourself what would need to happen for the graph to move.  If it was y = x^2 +1, then at x=0 y=1,  at x=1 y = 2, and so forth.