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Khuutra said:


Testing to see if there's BBcode under the text editor (EDIT: THERE ISN'T).

I don't think that's a particularly good stance to take. In spite of the fact that big business does very shady things all the time, the fact is also there that they are necessary for progress at the rate at which we have been going for many years. Big business is something of a necessary evil.

there are big business that exist without constantly screwing over their customers, breaking laws and paying lawyers million to get out of it, paying for lawsuits to spread FUD about competitors, using anti-competive behaviour to bring down competitors, etc etc. I could go on for hours about all the nasty and illegal things MS and Sony have done and are still doing.

Big corporates are a necessary evil (hell, I work for one), but the world isn't black and white. There's big corporates with some social responsibility (mainly to increase their perceived value to customers but also because even CEOs are human), there's big corporates who will just try to make some money, and then there's Microsoft and others like them, who will go out of their way to fuck over as many people as possible.


Help! I'm stuck in a forum signature!