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Oh good god you think everyone that buys FF in japan is a core gamer. No they aren't. To give you an idea how stupid a thing that is to say, it would be like saying ''Everyone that buys halo in america is a hardcore FPS fan!''. Whereas the reality is a huge % of the people that buy it, only buy it and maybe a few other games the entire generation. FF and DQ are rare examples. You can find hundreds of other jrpgs that sold a few hundred thousand throughout their entire lifetimes.

You only need to take a look at FF-X2 to see what a large segment of final fantasies market is. Guess what FF is one of the rare games that people who aren't gamers buy into. Hell if 3million+ people were core rpg gamers buying final fantasy games then Crisis core would surely have seen far better sales. Because you can sure as hell bet a MASSIVE % of the core rpg gamers in japan bought that game. Yet also with the huge amount of advertising a pretty substantial amount of more casual gamers too.

Core rpg gamers are the guys buying a new rpg every couple of months, every month, every couple of weeks whatever. Not the ones that buy a new rpg once every couple of years. Once again simply look at the demographics of japan, if you think there are 3million+ hardcore rpg gamers you are severly wrong. I would say even a million is a pretty generous estimate.

Turkish says and I'm allowed to quote that: Uncharted 3 and God Of War 3 look better than Unreal Engine 4 games will or the tech demo does. Also the Naughty Dog PS3 ENGINE PLAYS better than the UE4 ENGINE.