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I don't mind regular conservatism. It's those that get all riled up at the prospect of change.

Those knocking on the Wii for not giving them what they want, and claiming Nintendo is "ruining" gaming by making casual gaming popular just strikes me as someone shouting "They took our jerbs!"

EDIT: Actually, noname2200 put it best, almost:

"The deeply conservative act and respond as they do because they see that the rest of the world is leaving their deep-seated values behind. To them, it's almost like watching the people around you self-destruct, and they not only don't wish to see this, but they fear that they will be caught in the explosion themselves.

The snobcore's problem with the Wii stems from one simple truth: it does not make pleasing the snobcore its top priority at all times. When a spoiled child suddenly discovers that he is no longer the darling little prince, he responds by throwing temper tantrums. So it is with the snobcore.

If it's any consolation, snotty brats often mature into responsible adults, if reality intervenes early enough. Give them time: they'll settle down."

I say there's a bit of the first part in that. They've been used to this kind of gaming for over a decade, and the though that Nintendo is veering off into another direction is terrifying to them.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs