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There is much truth in what you say. I never know whether to laugh, cry, or get angry when I have once again listen to listen to a usually incoherent argument that:

- the Wii's just two Game Cubes taped together

No its not actually, and its overwhelming sales, reliability  and acceptable pricing at introduction would alone have proven that the design and engineering was nearly perfect for the marketplace

- there's no big deal about motion control, Sony/Microsoft (choose 1) could have done it if they wanted too

But they didn’t did they, and then spent so much time and money trying to ridiculing it that they polarized the customers so much that now they can’t really copy it although they obviously want to. Success has many fathers, failure is an orphan. Develop anything revolutionary and all the wannabee’s come crawling out of the woodwork to tell you that they had that idea years ago

-HD, now that’s real innovation, Wii’s last gen.

HD is just an evolutionary upgrade in video standards that makes the picture look sharper. It improves the visual quality of a game but at a cost of more expensive hardware and vastly more expensive game development costs. MS and especially Sony put such a premium on this that they didn’t offer any other significant changes. It’s the same old games with the same old controls so you can be bored but more sharply bored.

- All the AAA/90+ (choose 1) games are on Xbox360/PS3(choose 1)

Because HD game development costs are so high, no one can afford or is willing to take a chance. The games get great rating because they are rehashes of games that have already proven popular with the fanboys, both the playing and review writing variety. Here’s a clue; don’t expect any great creative ideas from a game with a number following it. LBP was an exception which deserved better success. Otherwise it you want something new, you’d better try the other side of the street.

- See I knew this friend whose Aunt’s brother bought a Wii and he just keeps it in the closet
Oh gee, that proves it. Well then there’s this one crazy f**ker out there that buys a gazillion copy of all these games. Find him and shoot him and Nintendo will close their doors in a week.

- it’s all about price, the Wii is cheaper so it sells more [OLD VERSION] I really believe a $250 PS3 can turn this generation around [NEW VERSION]

Wrong [OLD VERSION  Nope, still wrong [New Version

-GTA 4/MGS/Halo3/LBP (Choose 1) will destroy/crush /kill (Choose 1) the Wii

No, they actually didn’t even scratch the paint, but hey keep it up! It gives much needed comic relief and besides, I’m personally curious about just how long people can stay in denial.

-the Wii is just for kiddies and grannies

Strangely enough with all the networks covering black Friday this army of 2 million baby strollers and old ladies with walkers managed to slip in and out unseen.

- the Wii will destroy gaming

No I believe it probably saved console gaming from becoming an irrelevant niche between PC gamers and cell phone players.

So I can appreciate your frustration but perhaps a slightly more diplomatic, less personal approach would have been preferable