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Zim said:
bigjon said:

you are the third or fourth person to mention the ipod. I should have narrowed it just games. Japanese, as others have pointed out, see there status as gaming "gods" with a sense of national pride.

Also traditionaly the East has been very closed to the west. During the late 1800's Japan was the only country to become open to western thought and trade. That is why they grew to be such a beast during WW2.


Oh ffs try and actually understand a post before replying. The japanese do not view themselves as gaming gods. The amount of hardcore gamers in Japan is like most countries tiny. Funnily the people who may think japan is the great gaming country (the hardcore) are the ones who have already bought the 360.

I even mention how most people use the ipod as an example, yet then went to explain why most people aren't using it as a correct example and how it can be applied here.

The funny thing is people that have actually lived in Japan understand Japanese people really don't care about the origins of a company because you get comments like ''Oh you have starbucks in your country too?''

There are certain specialist goods like high end cameras where having made in japan on it can prove to be a benefit. However consoles, where the majority of the market is made of casual buys, do not fall into this category. And the hardcore gamers are concerned with games,  not where a console was made. Thus why a lot of the hardcore in japan do have a 360.


So what happened to the 3 million + that always make FF and DQ sell like crazy... Maybe RPGs are just casual over there... There are WELL over 3 million core RPG gamers in Japan, sales show that. The 360 is at 820k. If they were trying to make their machine the RPG machine for all they have failed. If they had not failed DQ might be heading there.

My theory is that failure has had a negative affect on the Japanese gaming... well in general.

I made it clear that MS is not the only culprit (Sony's dumbass marketing stagegy and the tactics they use to gain the upperhand in the west). But I firmly believe that the Japanese Market would be better off right now had MS never launched there.


End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut