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CGI-Quality said:
@ NJ5

The more you post, the more I realize that I was initially wrong about you, and I totally agree with that. It's that everyone and I do mean EVERYONE initially expected better from PS3, and as “thx” posted especially since the console has the word “Playstation” in it. I don't think PS3 is dying either, but if it does not make SIGNIFICANT headway in 2009, while it is now even further behind 360 (7 million units to be exact), then I hate to say this as an AVID Sony fan but Sony Playstation will LOSE this gen and take a big loss for the first time in it's life. Sony has lots of work to do if they plan to at least snag 2nd place, but at this current rate Sony will lose for the first time. For Sony and it's fans, besides the victory of Blu-ray and games like MGS4 and the awesome LBP, this is NOTHING to celebrate :(


 Ouch it must hurts to finally admit it...