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I'm talking about all the Nintendo fans that say that Grand Theft Auto IV is overrrated and basically doesn't even deserve to exist and that Wii Fit deserves to be Game of the Year even though it isn't even the in the top five best reviewed games on the Wii in 2008. And then when you turn around and tell them the truth that Wii Fit like the majority of Wii games only has an average rating at best, they are like, "Review scores don't matter. Nintendo games that only get average review scores only do so because every single game journalist in the industry either hates or misunderstands Nintendo. Boo hoo hoo."

You can find such people on message boards all across the net, but here I've mainly noticed them in the "Game of the Year Reveals truth about GTA" thread which mainly just exists to say GTA IV is awful and overrated because it is not on the Wii.

Heavens to Murgatoids.