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ChronotriggerJM said:

I do like how we all put the year's of development into context, but not the size of the team. That's nice that it was in development for 47 years, but if it was 1 guy >_> well shit. Take it easy.

Besides, those of you slander home are only one side of the coin. Plenty of people are just fine with it and it's offerings. Besides, it's a free service that's only going to improve from here on out. It offers plenty of gateways towards a much better idea than anything the competition is offering.

Those of you bitching and whining about it are only doing so for that reason. Just to bitch and whine. It's a free service for god's sake! How about you start a different path, and instead of making yourself seem like a pompous ass, name one GOOD thing you like about it. After all, you lose nothing for your efforts. It's free.

I doubt it was a small development team considering the importance Sony has placed on it.  And even for a small to medium team, 3+ years is a *very* long time.  As I said, they aren't really making anything new and difficult.

Also, looks like I need to quote the PA news post again:

There is already a growing school of Home apologetics, fostered by the same Order of Perpetual Masochism that lauded the rumble-free Sixaxis at launch and suggested, hilariously, that Lair and Heavenly Sword were videogames. They're under the impression that because something is free, this places it on some golden dais beyond censure. It's no virtue to give away something that no-one in their right mind would buy. Sony has no idea what this world is for, and that ambiguity infuses every simulated millimeter of it.

I would suggest reading that post because Tycho always has a nice way of stating things.