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dhummel: "I have never seen people so desperate as to claim a company actually wants their marketshare to shrink"

groucho: "Sony has two options right now: ... (B) Lose some marketshare in the short-term, be financially stable for the near future, during rough economic times when stockholders are exceptionally "nervous"."

dhummel: "So to answer your question of "Where did I say that?", well, there."

I'm guessing, at this point, that English is not your 1st language... that, or you are a major cherry picker.  I never said that Sony wanted to lose marketshare.  I stated that they choose to lose it, for other gains.  Do you choose to pay bills, taxes, take out the garbage,  etc. because you want to, or because you have to?  Understanding English might be an important component here, so if its not your 1st language, I guess I understand, and I can't really call you out for cherry picking in that case.

groucho: "I would have chosen exactly what they both have done."

dhummel: "Really? Your option that places MS as falling off of a financial cliff is the course you would have taken as well? Glad to hear it, but that makes absolutely no sense."

...except that I actually said:

groucho: "MS has the same options, really -- except they chose (A), because MS has a stable enough foundation to not be totally screwed by some games division losses next Q."

So... it made no sense to you, I suppose, because you didn't actually read what I said (again?) and just made some crap up to respond to (again).  In your native language, you non-cherrypicker you, is it not necessary to finish reading, in order to understand?

dhummel: "Honestly, if I was Sony I would pack it up and reload for gen 8 if substantial gains are not made after KZ2's release. Another option thrown around in here has been for Sony to sell off some of their more premium studios for liquidity to fund an immediate price cut. Being a PS3 owner I don't want to say this, but the way things are going I question the viability of the PS brand in the home console market if Sony goes belly up from the PS3. Let the Wii generation pass and start on equal footing next round."

Pack it up?  So.. you would... what?  Close Sony's gaming division, and try and restart it for the next gen... because that's what?  Free?  Sell off their studios?  To whom?  Do you see a lot of publishers looking to acquire new studios these days?  Have you even looked at which divisions are causing Sony trouble?  Or are you assuming its the gaming division, because the PS3 isn't 1st place in console marketshare, and that's all you understand about their business?  Or do you, even?


I think this will be my last post in this thread.  Pretty tiresome.