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Smashed said:
kungfusqurrel said:
LOL, home took how long to develop and people still give it excuse as just betta, sorry that excuse just not gonna cut it considering how long home as been in development. omg after how many years home still in beta faze. that's ridiculous!


I'd like to see you try to develop something like that.

Then talk, okay?


I hate people that use this excuse for everything.  It's perfectly fine to recognize someone did a bad job when they did in fact do a bad job.

Can I get mad at a wide receiver who dropped a pass?  Yes.  It doesn't matter that I couldn't catch a pass to save my life, they're the ones getting paid to do that.  The people who are making Home are the ones who are getting paid, not me, so it doesn't matter that I couldn't make Home if my life depended on it.

Home isn't exactly doing anything revolutionary that MMO's and online stores haven't been doing since the 90's yet it has a longer development time and still is in "beta".


Yeah, I use foul language but nothing near what the Live kids use.

When you kill me at Halo or even get a shot on me I don't call you mother god damn whore whose tits sag below her meat hook snatch and your father has a dick the size of a premature snail. Oh, snails don't have dicks you say?  Well neither does your dad because you're a damn test tube baby and I'm sure you have both male and female parts and you love to go fuck yourself. (edit-- remember, just an example of garbage you hear on Live here, I would never actually talk like that to someone)

I just like to drop the f-bomb every now and then.