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Grey Acumen said:
Dolla Dolla said:
FishyJoe said:
Yeah, I know RB1 Wii is fairly cheap, but still I think the opportunity loss of not having the RB2 is substantial. The GH:WT Wii full kits are sold out every place I've looked.

Oh yes, there's definitely no question that delayed releases between platforms squanders sales. I don't know what the hell EA is thinking, releasing RB2 in September for 360, October for PS3, and December for Wii???

Stupid move.

um, I think you guys have just answered your own question. Rockband 2 is out for 360 and PS3 and the Wii version of GH is STILL selling out. If EA released RB2, that would cut into the sales of GH. This way they can wait for the sales to die down a bit before injecting some fresh Guitar game back into the system.


I think you're missing the point. The people spending $190 for a full Wii kit will buy GH:WT, which is one less $190 sale for RB2. I'm positive a $190 sales is helluva lot more profitable than a $99 sale.