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Sullla said:

If we take this stance, it's impossible to make any comparisons about anything:

Did the Gamecube sell well for its price?

How about the Neo-Geo? Best-selling $700 console ever!

What about the Gizmondo? It sold great for its price! Never mind that it lost so much money that it destroyed its parent company...

I think the Phantom was the best-selling console ever for one that was never released. It sold infinitely well for its price! [/sarcasm]

Stop making BS excuses. Bottom line: holiday sales should never decrease for any healthy platform entering its third holiday season. I dare you to find any successful video game platform that saw sales go DOWN in the third holiday. Because I've run the numbers on a ton of them, and I can't find any. N64, XBox, Gamecube - they all went up in their third holiday. The only one I can think of that went down was Dreamcast, and that's because the whole damn thing was discontinued earlier that year.

I understand your point

but we are still on recession and PS3 is still the most expensive console on the market whatever you want to spin it.

And looking on past consoles/numbers will never be helpfull since all is different each gen (and particularly this one). Just look at TheSource expecting PS3 to outsell Xbox360 based on last year numbers ...


sorry man but in 2007 it was not as strong as today AND it was not "marketed" as today ...

Time to Work !