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I get back and try one more time and it works great!  Woohoo!  It wasn't really slow connecting or anything so things were looking up.  I start making my character and it gets slow as f*** again.  Oh well, again, to be expected.


As for the characters looking like douchebags, I just don't believe you can make one that doesn't look like a douche.  This assumption was later confirmed when I got into the game.


So I finish the tutorial and it wants me to go to the Plaza, sure thing!  Wait, what?  You want me to download it?  You couldn't have asked me to do that earlier?  Really?  So I start downloading the plaza and it's going slow as f*** (even though I have a *very* fast connection).  I take the chance to wander around my empty apartment...and be bored out of my mind.


First thing I notice when entering the plaza is I was right: everyone looks like a douche.  And that is actually a little fitting because reading what people are saying and people sound just like the 12 year olds on Live.  I guess at least now I can put a face on the foul mouthed 12 year olds I hate.  Another point to Home.


F***, whatever, I'll bowl.  Oh, wait, no, all freaking occupied!

What the f*** Sony?  I don't want to wait to play games.  It's not fun to sit and watch people play pool, ice breakers, and bowl.  It's fun to play pool, play ice breakers (I assume), and bowl.

F*** off bowling alley, I'm done here for now.  But wait!  I see a TV screen with nobody around.  I quickly run my barefoot self over there, click the TV screen, go full screen, and watch a blank screen.


The Hell?  I'm stuck!  I'm stuck on the other guy trying to enter the same place I am.  I try everything I can to move.  Press all the buttons I can think of, use all sorts of different emotions (the guy probably though I was coming on to him), and nothing.  It was like he was stuck following me or something.


Anyways, I get in and I'm relieved that all the seats aren't occupied so I quickly take a seat near the back. And guess what I see?  A slow moving download bar-- f*** this s***.


Interesting take on your experience, but I find it odd that you hate those "foul mouthed 12 year olds" so much considering how much foul language you put in your post.

I liked reading what you wrote... it was fascinating.  But it didn't need an expletive every 2-3 paragraphs.