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What I prefer isn't interesting, but what I believe is technically superior is. A lot of people prefer things simply because they're accustomed to using them, even if they know it's not as effective. I'd argue that the following control setups are superior for the following genres:

Platformers: Traditional joypad. Of the current controllers, Dual Shock 3 is best.
Fighting games: Arcade stick. No question.
Racers: Racing Wheel.
FPS: Mouse + Keyboard. Future iterations of the Wii Mote may come close, as I believe analog sticks are a superior method for movement, just not for aiming. The Wii Mote combines both: analog movement, motion tracking for aiming.
RTS: Mouse + Keyboard.
MMO: Mouse + Keyboard.
RPG: Tough call. I don't think any controller is ideally suited to scanning through sub menus. Probably traditional controller.
TPS: Mouse + Keyboard.

If I left any out, let me know. If someone disagrees, post it!">">