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rocketpig said:
ikilledkenny said:
Honestly, I pretty much agree with damkira- anyone who can facilitate the destruction of the Republican Party as a national force. The Democrats have a massive new coalition, akin to Roosevelt's New Deal Coalition. With a far right candidate, this coalition would be preserved.

This is a silly and downright destructive idea and I think anyone who believes it needs a swift kick in the nuts.

One massively dominant party will always lead to corruption, theft, and basically, a massively inefficient government not influenced by the peoples' needs, even worse than it is now.

Even the biggest partisans should be smart enough to realize that a strong counterpoint is needed to keep your own politicians in check. Believing otherwise is downright ridiculous.

Now, if you were to say "I'd like to see the Republican Party fail miserably for a few years so they actually return to being a counterpoint to the Democrats", I would agree wholeheartedly. The GOP needs an enema and they need to return to being the anti-Democrats with lower taxes, lower spending, and fiscal responsibility. Right now, they're not that party. If they wanted to toss in traditional Republican values of staying out of peoples' personal lives while they're at it, I certainly wouldn't complain.

But to wish for the downfall of one party in a two party system is downright ignorant. Sorry, but it is.



Very well said, I couldn't agree more...

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men."

"Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it"


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XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2
