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4 million seems well improbable but I thought 2 million outside of any month than December would have been impossible as well.

It's really going to depend on if supplies are there. According to Nintendo they wanted to have about 52 million units of Wii shipped by March 2009. Let's assume that about 5 million of that goes towards the final Quarter of the fiscal year. That means by December 2008 they will have shipped 47 million. After 1 week of December we are just over 40 million in sales. 7 million left to go so it's hard to imagine 3.5 million towards the Americas, with 2.5 million in E/O, and 1 million in Japan. More than likely it'll be 3 million to the Americas, 3 million to E/O and 1 million to Japan.

However Nintendo did say for November and December they upped production so it's possibly the amount they upped it buy may be about a million which would allocate a little more to America and Europe. It's doubtful they would ship too much more to Japan considering retailers probably still have enough left over to help satisfy the holiday rush.

So I think the 4 million number would only be possible if Nintendo has shipped about 48 million worldwide by the end of the year. Of course they would also need a virtual sellout of that in America, which isn't to doubtful.