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Well I don't really like political terminology anyway. I think that because I keep out of a gay individual's personal business (because it doesn't concern me in any way) that makes me even more conservative... I believe in conserving the individuals rights to do what they want to themselves without recourse as long as their action doesn't negatively affect another human being.

Kind of like with smoking, I don't care if people smoke as long as, in the event they get cancer, they don't expect a taxpayer handout for medical treatment. If they do, then I am totally against it. I don't think it's my responsibility to bail people out of their self-created problems. But if they say, "hey, I got cancer, my bad... I'll deal with it myself because I created the problem by smoking", they can smoke 10 packs a day for all I care.

Therefore, most of my social political stances tend to fall that direction. I don't care what a people do to themselves, as long as what they are doing doesn't directly affect someone else.


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XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2
