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I believe you are referring to the Pachter doctrine, and to an extent I do think the argument is a valid one. Unfortunately there are consumers that allow nationalism, and racism to cloud their judgment. That is also not necessarily a Japanese mindset. That however does not make Microsoft's strategy one of merely cock blocking Sony. Every company that has ran head long into this particular wall has a choice between capitulation or stubborn tenacity.

With enough persistence the wall can be torn down. So that is part of the strategy Microsoft has adopted. They know it is not going to be easy, but they are going to keep at it until they get through, and find consumer acceptance. Yes it will eventually happen. You want to know something else its succeeding. Little by little they are forcing their way into that market. So much so they beat Sony for six solid weeks this year. Had I told you that the previous year you would have looked at me like I was brain dead.

Microsoft is like a force of nature it erodes the competition. Basically it is inevitable that Microsoft is going to break its way full bore into that market, and the regions consumers are going to not only tolerate it, but will eventually accept it.