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i just recently did some research and i found out level 5(makers of white knight chronicles) and media molecules(littlebigplanet) are NOT sony's 1st and 2nd party developers...i'm sure alot of people thought they were...anyone know other developers that seem like they're 1st or 2nd party but when in fact they are actually 3rd party??...

please note...i'm talking about developers not games.....littlebigplanet and wkc are 2nd party publishes them that's about it...but the companies themselves dont have contracts with Sony to make only Sony games...which makes them 3rd party developers....

and there seems to be confusion about 1st party and 2nd party as well...but that's another is a link to explain those confusions...but example of 2nd party would be insomniac....1st party would be Sony, SCEE, London Studio,SOE, etc