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bigjon said:
seece said:
If "they" "refuse until death to purchase a foriegn console." then I don't care if they're missing out. The ones who have no bias will go out and pick up a 360 and enjoy all the JRPG's!

You're such a hypocrit, I made a post the other day about sony with NO hate whatsoever and you label me a hater, would it be wrong for me to labal YOU an M$ hater right now?


 No you called me a sony fanboy(i am by no means a sony fanboy), different than a MS hater. Also I do not hate MS, I prefer PCs, Zunes, and such. I have always hated the way the xbox division has chosen to market the xbox line (also for the same reason I hate apple's marketing, with there patronizing commercials). The original just made me laugh... "if we put a big X on it and tell people its way cooler people will buy ours more than theres...." sadly that does work on the 13-17 year old age group....


I said this was a theory, but I believe it is true. It makes sense, just step outside of your fanboy foxhole and take a look around. Since when do Japanese en masse migrate to western gaming??? Gaming is like part of their culture over there... at least that is what Kyohei told me (my Japanese roomate in college). Ok, now look at the Wii and PS3 what on the Wii and PS3 would appeal to the core gaming culture in Japan on them.... not much. They have no reason to buy PSWii and dont want a 360.... therefor... tadaa.. Sucky gaming enviroment over there.

I will be proven right when the Wii turns it all around when it begins get loads of AAA Japanese content.

I don't remember calling you a sony fanboy, sorry if I did but that IS how you come across. I also didn't call you an M$ hater I said would it be fair to call you one for this post in relation to you calling me a sony hater in my thread (where I gave no sony hate).


Again the reasons you hate Microsoft marketing/talk/commercials can be applied to Sony! 5 million bricks anyone??


"just step outside of your fanboy foxhole" - boy you can dish out but you can't take it can you, I am a 360 fan, I have nothing against the Wii it just doesn't appeal to me. And as for Sony and the PS3, I don't like how they have been ignorant, throwing their weight around, and I don't think they have put half the effort in this gen that Microsoft and Nintendo have. Thats why I like seeing the PS3 last, because they deserve to be, I didn't say they deserve to fail or go out of business, they deserve to be last.

So lets say your theory is right? So what? Microsoft are a business trying to break into a difficult market and they bought some popular japanese games to help out. What do you exactly expect them to do, let Sony and Nintendo walk all over them? I still don't believe the decline in Japan is because of M$, there have been a lot of articals saying the Japanese are just too busy these days and are more into handhelds. They seem to be doing just fine don't they?