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BTFeather55 said:

I think the Wii popularity started out as a fad due to its lower cost and scarcity, but it became more than that due to the same reasons and a handful (as opposed to the bucket load on the 360) of good games. You would increase production so that you could have the consoles in the warehouse when enough people were ready to buy them.


But it makes no sense to do that! It simply makes no business sense at all. And you cannot argue that Nintendo never put out a decent amount of units. It's not possible. It's been outselling the PS3 and 360 since day one. Are you saying that even though Sony and Microsoft makes fewer units than nintendo, they are somehow NOT trying to create an artificial demand? Besides, demand either is there, or it is not. Like in my examples that you so handidly ignored.

"You would increase production so that you could have the consoles in the warehouse when enough people were ready to buy them" - This makes no sense either. It really goes against the entire idea of artificial demand.

"I think the Wii popularity started out as a fad..." Started out as a fad... whut? First it was a fad, and now it isn't because it's still selling? A fad is something that is uber popular for a while, but quickly dies out. So either it is a fad, or it's not. Make up your mind.

Did you know that all games that has sold over a million copies on Xbox 360 are testosterone games, or games that are specifically aimed at males in the ages 13-30? Except for maybe Viva Pinata. These are the bucketload of games that you think are great. Just because they are targeted at you. Well... there are other people than males in the ages 13-30 in the world, thank god! They do not really like that bucket. It smells of sweat and gunpowder.



My understanding is this: You do not see the appeal of the Wii, and any explenation involving opinions not matching your own is disqualified. Thus foul play is the only option left, and the 'Wii is a fad' and 'Artificial Demand' are handidly available theories to explain the Wiis success. Nevermind that these theories are both stupid and easy to disprove.

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