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Your missing the point here guys. I'm not here to give a perfect idea of development costs and profits and revenue thereof. I'm here to give a fair assessment of profits and revenue and an idea of what development costs. Not all DS and Wii games are cheap to make. Red Steel costs Ubisoft $20 million to make and Super Mario Galaxy probably cost Nintendo over $50 even developing for the Wii. Some DS high end titles probably costs close to $20. But on average for Wii and DS titles, they don't cost that much. Now devs could make them cost that much if they put the same effort int, but they haven't been doing that and especially for the "casual" market.

I'm not here to give complete accuracies but a good enough comparison such that my point works. Actually I didn't even need to go through that. All I had to do was present the cases of a few dev's financial reports and my point would have been valid no matter what people say. So if you want to keep discussing my numbers and where I got them from, that's fine, but your missing the picture. They are good enough for preliminaries to understand why the point makes sense so how about leaving it at that. Unless of course you want to go find the development costs for the games and exact percentage for return profits on revenue sales to retailers by companies.