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The thing that suprises me the most about the PS3 sales in not how low or badly they are doing ( there are reasons for that, Price, games, image etc ) its the lack of support from Sony. To me they have given up, its like they have thrown in the towel. Look at MS, when the PS3 was starting to get some traction with sales, they did something about it. They lowered the price to a point where it was perfect for non hardcore gamers to buy. It is rubbish to say, they have problems and there is nothing they can do. They could do so nuch but the will doesn't seem to be there. There advertising is a waste of time, all the good points about the PS3 they don't mention. looking at the company and not the PS3, it looks like they are cutting there losses and maybe looking to the next Gen and are putting all there effert into that. But it is a shame for the PS3 to be left on its own.