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I was doing a little research for a thread today. Asking myself how adverse the effect of the price cut rumor would be on sales early next year. So I went to the charts to see what the PS3 averaged weekly globally in January, February, and March of this year. At first I thought I had made a gross error, but I kept plugging in weeks, and found that it is indeed true the PS3 is performing par for weeks in those months right now in the middle of the holiday season. I knew the PS3 was doing badly, but I doubt it really sank in up until that point. I doubt it has sunk in for many posters on these forums.

So I followed the logical step, and decided to see how much lower the sales were for both the 360 and PS3 from the previous holiday season. Specifically a week that alligns with the current one. I find the sales have decreased to forty or thirty percent of this week. So now I am struck with a real question what happens if last years precedent draws a parallel to sales in the coming year. Could the PS3 see sales of a third to a half of current sales, and what does that mean for the console.

Console weekly 115,000/175,000

Do not derail this thread with trolling. I want real discussion not fanboy bullshit. You and your gut can go speak to eachother in a corner. I am seriously interested in seeing real data interpretation, and finding out what other posters might think this would mean.