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I have a Gamecube. I even have a Gameboy Player on my Christmas list if I'm allowed to have a Christmas list in my 30's because I would like to go back and play a lot of the GBA rpgs and games like Zelda: The Minish Cap (chronologically according to Game Trailers the first game in the Zelda series) that I missed on my hd tv, and I would like to get a DS sometime before the non GBA compatible one is released.

I haven't gotten very far in Metroid Prime, but it is a game that I am currently playing (although, I took a break, because I seemed to get stuck shortly after I landed on the planet and I've been playing Tomb Raider Legend more -- both from my previously unplayed collection -- because I like watching Lara better than looing through Samus' visor, and I'm trying to get my xbox achievements up to a respectable level. Lara looks great on the 360 in the Japan level in her dress and with her hair down.  And she doesn't look as good on the Wii as she does on the PS3 and 360 in Underworld). From what I played of it, I wouldn't put MP up there with Halo I or II yet.

According to this site, the numbers for the Metroid Prime series are I = 2.83 million, 2 = 1.29 million, and 3 = 1.44 million which pale in comparison to games that Metroid Prime should have sold better than which is almost anything that isnt called Mario, Zelda, or Super Smash Brothers on the Wii or whose title starts with the word "Wii".

Here's my big problem with the Wii: I was thinking about getting a Wii during the holiday season '06. I had all three last gen consoles. And, if I had purchased one then I probably wouldn't have a PS3 now. However, due to the shortages (which there is no way to prove this unless Nintendo says they did it; however, I think Nintendo looked at how having shortages during the Christmas '05 season worked in the 360's favor to generate hype and demand for that console and borrowed a page from that book by making the Wii scarce during Christmas '06 and '07 generating much word of mouth interest for the Wii especially in its "new market") I was unable to buy the cheaper Wii during the Christmas holidays '06, and it would have fit my budget far better than the PS3. So, when I saw Playstation 3 in stores in early '07..


 (I'm not sure when I first saw a Wii in a store.  The first time I ever saw some in the game cabinet at my nearest Wal~Mart was early July '08.  I had seen some at my nearest Hastings prior to that but they all had a sticker on them saying, "No Returns" leading one to believe they were probably broken, and my nearest Game Stop had Wii boxes in their stores last year, but as I had already purchased a PS3, I didn't bother to ask about them.  Then it seems like they didn't have Wii boxes for a long time.  Then I saw Wii boxes in that Game Stop earlier this year and I was curious to know if they had Wii's in stock, and they said, "No, we just have the boxes for display purposes."  Around the same time in Spring early Summer of '08, I also overheard a salesman at my local Best Buy tell a customer that they hadn't had Wii's in stock since they were first released.) 


..I decided to buy a Playstation 3 thinking surely the console would catch on and have the same success as the PS1 and PS2. It was a much more powerful console and should have had a PS2 type game library. However, the Wii remained scarce and in the process generating more demand than if it had been more readilly available. Scarcity does lead to demand, isn't that a principle of economics?

So, anyway, here we stand at Christmas '08. It looks like the PS3 is on the way out and the underpowered Wii is going to start getting all the best Japanese games at least, and it bums me out.

Heavens to Murgatoids.