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Look at this a little differently. YOU are S-E. You've made money from placing your games on Nintendo systems, and in later years on PS systems. Sony releases an expensive console that is hard to develop for and quickly becomes last place in the console race.

Do you put your two mainline games on the losing system because your last games were there?

Half the FF games were Nintendo exclusives, half were Sony. Nintendo's #1 console is not a graphics powerhouse, but might get 50% or more of the marketshare. The battling HD consoles will split the other 50% or less. FF fans care about the graphics. Do you put FFXIII exclusively on the lowest selling HD console with around 21% of the gaming market, or put it on both HD consoles to try and reach 50% of the total market. I think even without $'s from Microsoft, the answer is an obvious business choice. And to thank Sony for the years you prospered there, you give them 100% of the Japanese marketshare for this game.

All but two of the Dragon Quest games were made for and on Nintendo systems. The PS2 only had 2, so how can you even have the audacity to say Dragon Quest going to Nintendo is Sony betrayal? Especially with the PS3 having the lowest marketshare. Unlike FF, Dragon Quest is NOT a graphics powerhouse, and Nintendo is winning Japan (the only region where this games sells really well), and the rest of the world as well. So IX goes to DS (handhelds rule Japan), and X goes to Wii. Nintendo has most of the markets, and has offered to help expand DQ's userbase to the west with the promise of Nintendo's full marketing power behind these games.

The question again,

Do you put your two mainline games on only the losing system because your last games were there?

The correct answer for anyone in business, "Not only no but HELL NO!"

Again, Sony did this to themselves. They lost the console empire on thier own, 100%.

Square is a simply a third party developer doing smart business and is acting exactly as they should.

BAM! There it is!
Wii Code 3456 7941 4060 2924
COD MW Reflex 541192229709