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I remember the outrage from Nintendo Fanboys after Square moved Final Fantasy from it's originating console (Nintendo) to Sony. For those who only know FF as Sony consoles, the Final Fantasy franchise lived exclusively on Nintendo systems for ten years (I - VI)(1987- 1997), and VII was shown near completion for the N64. Because Square wanted to make more money, it moved to Sony (disc vs cartridge). Nintendo fans were saying the exact thing as thread is saying, and blames Square. Square simply went with higher profits, and that actually that helped PSX grow it's userbase and build its empire. Nintendo had six mainline FF games. Sony has had six as well (XI was later ported to the 360).

Ten 1/2 years later they go multi console with FF. In squares history, who got the bigger shaft? Sony or Nintendo? Nintendo had NO mainline FF games, Sony & 360 will share one. FF helped make the PS, and the PS help FF expand. It was a mutual relationship. Business. 360 has the highest HD install base, good business dictates Square goes multi platform, to get the most players in all territories.

Enix developed Dragon Quest/Warrior I - VI for Nintendo systems from 1986- 1995. VII - VIII were S-E releases for PS2 from 2000-2004. IX is coming for DS, X is coming for Wii. How has sony been betrayed? They only had 2 games in the main series ever.

S-E is going where they think they can sell the most games. Period.

If anything, Sony fans owe S-E thanks for the years FF helped grow the Playstation Brand.

BAM! There it is!
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