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The move had a devastating impact in the informed communities in regards to the PS3. There were a great number of forum members that unclenched when this announcement came down, and they brazenly said now I have no reason to buy a PS3. A great many more finally felt secure in purchasing a 360 after the announcement as well. So this did hurt Sony. Their console was running out of legs to stand on already. Yes it was a painful loss of sales for Sony which is quite reliant on hardcore gamers the ones most likely to be informed.

I have said it before, and I will say it again Sony and its loyal supporters have no justification whatsoever to gripe about what Square did. Square gave Sony more chances then Sony probably deserved. In fact they gave Sony more chances then the vast majority of developers gave Sony.

Square gave Sony eighteen months of prime exclusivity. Square was at all those conferences. Square handed off two major exclusives to Sony. Square went so far as to publicly rail against Sony for both its price point, and for its marketing. Hell Square is still giving Sony one exclusive, and is keeping Final Fantasy exclusive within Japan. Square is still doing more for Sony then any other third party developer in the world. They are doing more then Sony deserves.

You might gather I am disgusted by the bawling. Saying Square gave Sony the shaft. No Sony hasn't even seen the shaft yet, but if they continue to neglect Square they may find out what the shaft looks like. In the other corner you have Microsoft kissing ass, and buying names. I am sincerely impressed that Square has doted as much as they have on Sony. Given that Sony doesn't seemingly give a shit about their bottom line.

Mark my words if Sony does not mend its ways in the coming year. They are probably going to lose versus exclusivity, and Microsoft is going to finagle two more exclusives out of Square. Oh and Sony will totally deserve that. How do they change this. Open that tight ass wallet to Square no it isn't just greed. Square has to justify ill placed exclusives to its investors.