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Comparing to Marathon series, Halo sucks in terms of story-telling, sure there's a huge background, so called "Bungie myths", but nobody knows it besides true Bungie fans, like me (btw not Halo fan). Halo release is milestone event in gaming history, BUT this popularity leads to constant cloning which in turn leads to phenomena of so called traditional, linear or mainstream shooters which overflowed current western market like jRPGs overflowed japanese market - that's the reason I stoped playing these games unless something unique appears on horizon. I played Halo and did finish it, played Halo 2, but didn't finish it, and have no intentions in playing Halo 3.

Speaking about Metroid Prime 3 - it sells well, more than Metroid Prime 2. Metroid franchise has a strong but limited following (like MGS), which hardly expands over time. Gameplay mechanics of Metroid Prime series is still unique, 'cos unlike Halo series it for some reason wasn't copied, and thus Metroid Prime 3 is nothing new in the series, BUT it's still fan to play for me. There're so little games on the market of this sort, like Metroids. So no way Metroid Prime, single-player oriented game with a story, displayed through text messages, and not linear gameplay, would be huge like Halo. For most people Metroids are boring, bad for them.

Speaking about Wii, you didn't even look further into Wii library besides "Wii..." titles. I don't know whether or not Wii is going to satisfy your someday, but you must admit Wii is successful because of games, even those games don't apply to you. There're a couple of threads whether or not Wii flollowing DS trend, I'm sure it is following DS trend, but don't know how successful - the future will show. But the whole idea of "smth DS-like at home console market" is what I higly interested in. This's NOT like PS2, and I don't get why it should be? Everyone become a champion in it's own way, and that's why I'm saying that Wii (or it's successor) has a great chance to be better than PS2 in terms of evolving industry further. PS2 in the past, Wii is our future ;)