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Okay, so I actually played it now.

- Lv 3 dispensers have ~ 1/3 more health than the usual dispenser (takes 4 hits with wrench, regular takes, but almost dies from 2, so a little over 1/3, but not fully 50% more). They give health at twice the speed. Gives you metal in 60s, not 40s, and also refills 1.5 times as fast. Can hold 1.5 times as much.

- Lv 3 teleporters. You can uprade either entrance or exit. If you upgrade one, the other is also upgraded. If one is killed, the other goes down to lv 1. Cooldown is around 2/3 of the time on lv 3 (maybe half), and it can take ~ twice the damage.

- Stickies can get killed by any shotgun/minigun, but not by rockets/melee weapons. They do not explode, but rather just get destroyed, leaving nothing. Have ~ 10hp each.

- Some small changes on the maps. Dustbowl for instance has taken away an entire place to attack from, and nerfed another one (but made it more demoman friendly).

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS