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Some points:

1. Games which sell over a longer period of time have much GREATER publishing costs than games which are sold over a shorter period of time, relative to their sales.

A game which sells in small amounts over a longer period of time costs more because of:

  • Small shipments increase transportation costs.
  • They incur a cost for storage or continually small production runs of games.
  • Increased costs from retailers, threat of being jostled off high margin retail shelves.

2. The Development/marketing/distribution costs you used for HD games was far too high. Even following the model of 1,000,000 sales = break even, that would still indicate that the total costs were under $30,000,000 which has been verified from several sources and even an Ubisoft executive said as much.

3. The Development/marketing/distribution costs for the "casual" games you listed were far too low. If you were talking about a DS game I would say it wasn't enough, especially considering my point 1.

I'll leave it at that for now.

