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Well this is Basicly my personal opinion on how "Home" was when i logged on for the first time. we go!

First off though...I'd like to add how unbeliveable the character creation is for Home its the Best CaC i have ever seen in anything, its like a mix of Oblivion/SoulCalibur IV/Phantosy Star Universe added with its own unique touch sept all in HD.


^ Above me (real Life) (Sorry for the Quality i dont know how to use digital cameras for crap.)

Below me (Home) (Again sorry for bad Quality.) Note: And this is me not even trying to match the real me.


I've become far to lazy to expplain in full detail right now so i'll update later.

All in all for a "BETA" which people have to remember, it does fairly decent, but one thing is for sure once this is finally up to par, this is gonna make Sony much stronger Via exclusive games and so forth.

Pros Currently~

  • Huge amount of Character Creation features beta and all very impressive. +1
  • Thank the lord for the "Mute" Option, i thought there were none til i went looking, now i dont need to hear a buncha of 10 year olds constantly yelling "F__" or "Noob" every 5 seconds. +1
  • Very easy to get around, easy to meet up with friends if done correctly.
  • HUGE, and i mean HUGE Possibletys for Home "PlayStation Store Gear" maybe even user created content  at some point in time. +1
  • For my personal experience, there was Little to NO lag at all, there was the Every now an then LAG BURST but it was far few and in-between nothing major and very impressive for a beta.
  • Quite a handful of basic emotions that you would see in a MMORPG hello, bye and etc. there were even a few extras, aswell as well made animations very realistic.
  • New great way to meet up for games such as warhawk and more to come.
  • Home based games such as flying saucer and bowling are real great, the arcades are really well made to, i almost forgot a few times i was in home and i thought i was playing a PSN Title. although there is a big negative to this aswell i'll get to shortly.
  •  Lastly great HD Graphics for a "Sims" like sort of game, very polished for a Beta, And nearly untouchable custimizebale stuff such as your room, Gear, PSP, Pictures, Music, Videos, Wallpapers, Headsets, Keypad/board & Mouse, Filters, etc...

And now for the Current Cons...

  • Burst of lag can be VERY annoying! sometimes unforgiving if you mispress a button and blow a kiss to dudes *Shudders* and even creepier when they purposely do it back...
  • The "Home" Based games are great, fun and simple, BUT 75% of them you have to WAIT till the buncha of LEGIONS amoung LEGIONS of PSN People play first, basicly un-playable and forgetable atm in the beta, hopfully this will be more balanced and fixed some time later.
  • Not enough cloths at the moment, even for a Beta its a really sad amount.
  • Not enough 3rd party areas to discover and explore, but this is due to the beta.
  • Not enough Gear to mess around with @ the begining due to the beta.
  • Only one style of running animation, im sorry but in my personal opinion everyones "Regular" run style looks very, very Fruity hopfully they'll add more later untill then i'll walk. (The walking animations looks cool badass almost)
  • To much Confusion, reall easy to get lost in the crowd, and with the legion of fanboys running around worshiping Home it can get pretty disturbing.
  • A buncha dudes hitting on anything with long hair, as soon as a girl pops in an area they go fucking insane like a buncha of animals, so for i havent had any issues with girls or godforbid guys but there is the "Stalker" type with an afro you'll run into everyonce in awhile, though just teleport with your magic PSP and its fixed.


So yeah thats all i got for now will update later on when i dont feel like passing out due to ______ and ___...

Hope you guys enjoyed the poor quality review. :D

Minor Update: Oh and i forgot to mention...when i first tryed to log in good lord LAG and Constant back to back network errors, of course that was most likely due to people going nuts trying to log in all at the same time, but that was terrible.