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@Undying So what you're saying is that MMORGPs are only good if they're Western???

Even so, if you don't like MMORPGs from Japan, this game is not primarly MMO, it's a traditional JRPG, only that it has more features, if you don't want to play them, then don't, and stick to the offline, like the steak and chips analogy...

People are reacting to the online capabilities like the game is only an MMO... It's a new era, and a game has the capabilities to be not only one thing, but many, like FPS, that have campaing, co-op, multiplayer, etc., and JRPGs can have offline story (with a lot of hours of combats and epic storyline), online multiplayer, even co-op, the thing is that the main part of the game is well done (although it's better to have all things well done, but this is Level-5 so i'm not worried)...