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I'm slowly playing my way through now and have just entered the mall section (it's called Fort something or other, can't remember) and I'm enjoying every minute. Any game that makes me skip the evening news or PTI is great. 8) I would repeat just about everything here as far as the gameplay, the plasmid and skill options, weapon choices and upgrades (one only so make it count- sweet!), the implemntation of the story and how it's told, sound, music- I could go on but you get my point. This is a great game, not a run and gun straight shooter- it is refreshingly different. It melds a variety of different gameplay actions and does them all to near perfection. As far as the lack of widescreen- truthfully, if it were an old movie that significantly changed how the action looked because of the way the scences were cropped, that would be horriffic. But if it weren't there in a game, are you saying you wouldn't buy it? How many great games in the past that didn't have widescreen did you miss out on? I would say none- the main reason being that except for theatres, wide screen wasn't supported in games so games didn't use them. It did not keep the games from being great (if there were other factors to make it great of course). 2K has said that they will release a patch to support widescreen so don't wait, go out and get this game! PS- from the way Atlas talked about the Little Sisters I was suspicious. I've only killed 1 (bad man! bad man!) and saved the others. I hope it does affect the ending- all actions should have consequences.