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LG while I do agree that metacritic isn't the best thing it could possibly be ( I give it an 83, so it's not a AAA site), but honestly, there is no better way to decide the differences.

There are sites that bias both sides and when put together, give an average.
Also, factoring in that games are entertainment, art, it is hard to get a realistic rating or even a rating of one reviewers credibility.

I think that reviews are for those people who have only enough money for one game, and need help on warranting and directing a purchase. If we do not rely on the reviewers, then what do we rely on to decide what games are good?
Do we just trust someone on the internet who has played the game? What makes them an authority?
Do we download everygame before we play it? That seems to be the best answer which would fix everything, and it is so accessible and simple that it is one of the big reasons that both magazines and online reviews are starting to bite the dust.
But then how do we tell people online about the amazing experience we just had? How do they believe us? With no criteria other than the fact we post on the same forum. Then even if some kind of trust develops, how much more than a reviewer does that person become?

Saying that metacritic is garbage is going a little overboard. There are exceptions to everything, and some scores just don't make it by the skin of their teeth, but we expect that the more reviews there are of something, the closer that score is to the actual score, and we just have to believe in that because the alternative is less than nothing.
I say that because if we went by sales (albeit some of you would defend this), I would own nothing but Mii games and grand theft auto, because I would want to make sure I got what was the best to protect my investment. That would leave little room for games like ico, panzer dragoon orta, SOTC, okami, vagrant story, viewtiful joe, eternal darkness, conker, jet grind radio.... all 90+ games with less than half a million in sales.

If you don't care about this, and still think that sales are a good determinant of quality, then you can keep your revolution.