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This is a humorous topic. People arguing that this isn't good for BR are just hilarious. Yeah, it's not representative of the format's success as a whole. Duh. If it were, then either that would be the story or there wouldn't be one at all. The thing is, TDK is doing better than any other BR has done so far, and by a fair margin as well. This is a sign of improvement for the format, and when combined with the high hardware sales for Black Friday, it's pretty damn obvious that the future is only looking up for BR.

Really, I can see how this isn't that big a deal, since TDK is tailor-made for the type of people that'd buy BR in the first place, but it's certainly nothing to be brushed off without consideration and it does a fine job of proving the nay-sayers wrong. Many formats never even come this close to the market leader, and DVD wasn't doing anything like this a mere two years after launch.

You do not have the right to never be offended.