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megaman79 said:
Now i get the Bush avatar. Listen carefully. The majority of americans just voted indicating they are actually interested in international accountability and diplomatic solutions instead of bombs.

Do your research and remember, again, it was the US that started the UN.

Of course since then the US have, through manufacturing evidence for Iraq, proved your point, that it is incapable of producing results. Well the results that some of you wanted, Iran's got nukes, Iraq's got nukes, Korea's got nukes, etc.

Diplomacy=/=the same result as action.  You can talk until you're blue in the face and still not get anywhere.  Diplomacy is a fine art and you have to know the opposing party inside out.  Like now.  You are a Dem who opposes the Bush admin vehemently and states the results of past years.  N. Korea is cooperating with us.  Iraq is a new democracy and Iran will be hindered by diplomacy to give up its ambitions.  Still, if the Iranian sanctions fail and they do expand territiorial aggression and forced threats against Israel with more than words than the US will be there to back the Israelis up.  Trust me, Iran is being squeezed by operatives and black ops including PSYOPS while we speak.  Their proxy war gave them that.