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huh, dude that is exactly what happened. You think they just played music?

Did you know the photos indicated that the CIA, who were involved with this, had copied torture tactics from revolutionary guerilla's in Sth American jungles?

You become the wolf to catch the wolf right? Some would argue that committing any human rights abuses at all is never justified, i think the US used to say this since they created the UN Human Rights convention following the natzi's and WW2.

BTW, it was the anniversary of those very laws yesterday, happy birthday to 60 years of ignoring the UN and hiding the real truth from everyone.

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.