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Jackson50 said:
halogamer1989 said:
Jackson50 said: is a nonpartisan, reliable and valuable resource. According to their assessment of the debate, Palin and Biden were fairly equal in the number of inaccuracies.

Factcheck is run by the Annunberg Foundation which has had Obama serving in it and has his buddies on its board ;)

Yes, and Leonore Annenberg, the Chairman and President of the Annenberg Foundation, supported John McCain this election. She was also named Chief of Protocol by Ronald Reagan, and she and her husband supported Reagan during his elections. is a disinterested entity, my friend.


True.  However, they cite the Brookings Inst. for their factchecks and that org has been known to be a little left of the game if u catch my drift.  Rule 1 in politics: Find a scapegoat.  It happens Brookings is theirs.