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Metanalysis has not been scientifically proven to remove bias. Sure, they're a nice way of getting an overall summation of what a number of sources are saying, but it really is a case of rubbish in equals rubbish out and frankly, rubbish would be a charitable way of describing the vast majority of review sites on metacritic. Any decent metanalysis in any field takes into account the quality of the sources and either removes those that are subpar or compensates for that statistically. Metacritic does the exact opposite, it weights all of the sources equally regardless of their quality. And while opinion is subjective, Metacritic will take any review from anybody no matter how dodgy the website or how dubious the reviewer. It's like asking fifteen people on the street the best way to treat cancer and weighting the opinion of oncologists the same as people with no actual working knowledge of cancer.

To sum up: the average of rubbish is rubbish.