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SmokedHostage said:
Gold/Silver did have the best rival. He freaking stole his starter.. that's badass. Also he's Giovanni's son. Also if you consider Wally your rival in R/S, I just found him obnoxious and depressing at times and I'm sure that D/P's had ADHD.. If you consider May/Brendan your rival, I didn't like the fact that you couldn't battle her/him with using full evolved Pokemon. The last battle seemed too early.

"Gary" is cool but what I did like about him was that he seemed to inappropriately outclass you in everything(he caught more Pokemon than you even though you couldn't possibly catch that many at the point in the game).. he was even the Champion.. Also he was smug as hell but I guess that comes with "being the best."

Also at Grey Acuman.. how could you like 100% of the Pokemon in R/B.. I personally hated Vileplume, Seel, Weepinbell, and Mankey..

Yeah, I agree with most of what you said, except for the part about Wally being "obnoxious", although I'll admit his use of Ralts as a "starter" seems pretty lame... I mean, have you tried battling with a freshly caught Ralts in your opening salvo in R/S/E... Bait-and-switch is pretty much all you can do...

And may I extrapolate (sp?) on the subject of Silver? (yeah, I'm one of those people who calls the player character of G/S "Gold" and his rival "Silver", problem?) There was no rival as complex as he was before or since. The boy was one you either felt incredibly sorry for, or simply loved to hate... Where do I stand on the issue? He certainly had my pity from day one... The guy constantly lashed out at the world he lived in. Which reminds me: you mentioned that you thought that Barry had ADHD... Well, personally I think all the rivals had some sort of complex...

In chronological order in terms of storyline (or what I believe is the storyline, you may certainly try to correct me):

May/Brendan: Social Awkwardness.

Wally: Victim Complex.

Gary/Blue: Blatantly Monomaniacal.

Barry: ADHD, like you said.

Silver/???: Anger Issues, like I implied.

Any response to that?

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