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zexen_lowe said:
Shadow Yukiko is giving me a very hard time and is one of the first bosses. I don't want to imagine how are the rest. She already wiped my party three times, I always start fine, and when I lower her life to less than a half, suddenly I miss some attacks,she gets a critical, and voilà, party wiped. Maybe I should attack the Prince. Has anyone faced a challenge against this boss? I'm playing on Normal

She was giving me a hard time too, but I finally beat her on my third try. Here's what I did: First all my characters were at level 15. Then I fused Asparas and Nati Taishi to create Orobas (he is strong against fire and has some pretty good strike attacks). I let Chie do mabufu to attack both the prince and shadow Yukiko, and then use bufu to attack the prince with the one strike more thing. Yosuke did the healing while the protagonist did a bunch of strike attacks with Orobas. Once the prince is dead and Shadow Yukiko has like less than half, Chie would guard the attacks so that Yukiko wouldn't get another turn, and both the protagonist and Yosuke did the attacks and healing. Buy a few medicines that heals every party member.

Also, Chie's voice isn't that bad at all maybe because I got used to her voice, but she does sound mature at a few occasions.

@smbu, tell us how Raidou vs. King Abandon is.