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Kasz216 said:
Heh what this remidns me the most of was the head of the Department of Veterans affairs.

Someone in Congress was trying to increase his budget and he just kept saying "No we have enough money, we're doing good, anymore we wouldn't even know what to do with."

While the senator was suggesting they stop outsourcing stuff and doing other things... with the VA guy saying it would just be wasteful and not improve quality in any way.

That was the most fun i've ever had watching C-SPAN.


LOL, yeah, I've seen C-SPAN hearings like that. 

Even though I am against the bailout, I did find the bailout hearings interesting.

One of the commitee members would ask,

"Why is a bailout necessary Mr. Paulson?"

He would give the 3-min. answer.

Next commitee member...

"Okay Mr. Paulson, my constituents would like to know why the bailout is necessary?"

<sigh> Same 3-min. answer

Next commitee member...

"Now Mr. Paulson, what the American people want me to ask you is, why is the bailout necessary?"

frustration mounting, same 3-min. answer...

2-hours later in hearings, same thing, over and over and over.

If I were him, I would have just shot myself to save myself the agony of repeating myself for 2 hours straight.

It was classic.



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XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2
