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By generation:

NES gen (consoles): 3 games.

SNES gen (consoles): 2 games

PS/N64 gen (consoles): 2 games

Ps2 gen (consoles): 5 games (1 PC)

Wii gen (consoles): 4 games

Total consoles: 16 games


GB gen (double handheld gen with both GB and GBC): 6 games

GBA gen: 2 games

DS gen: 7 games

Total handhelds: 15 games


By publisher:

Nintendo: 25

Rockstar: 3

Sony: 2

Maxis: 1

(A diverse list indeed :P)


Will the Ps3 or X360 break the trend, and be the 2nd "losing" console to have a game sell 10M? Looks like 360 will.


One thing that should be noted though. Every single game that has passed 10M this gen has/will also pass 15M. This is the first one that won't.


As for 32, these are the contestants.

Halo 3 - 8499K. Still sells a good 15-20K weekly, but would probably not make it before late 2010, if ever.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl - 7486K. Sells 40-50K weekly. Should make it around the same time as Halo 3, but this one definately will. 

Super Mario Galaxy -  7438K. Sells about the same as Brawl (~ 5K less weekly), but seems like it is going to keep at it for a while. No doubt it will make 10M, and perhaps before the 2 above.

Wii Sports Resort - not yet released. Depending on sales, it could make it (well, duh! Most meaningless sentence ever). Has a very good change, but probably won't make it very quickly. Still could easily beat most others.


No other released titles have a real chance.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS