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xponent your changing the subject. This is just a trend showing how many copies a typically AAA game sells on a given console. I provided xbox and ps2 information and there will be more to come.

You are saying that reviewers are hardcore elitists. The major block between us is this issue. I think that they review games based on their value and ability and you think they review based on some "hardcore" definition that you still haven't provided.

As for saying that wii sports was AAA., you implied it by saying that we should include wii sports and wii fit.

These are the issues you are going to need to respond to if you are going to have a discussion about this because you have been cherry picking a while now.
I've explicity said that world of goo, a casual game, made the AAA. WoG is a great game.

As for the reviewers, it is oging to be something we have to disagree on, but you must agree that using outside sources is better than using my opinion vs your opinion. For some reason you want this to be opinion vs opinion, and that isn't how things get resolved sir.
Until we can get by the perceived reviewer standpoint this discussion is at an end, and at an end by your hands, for your bullishness, and consistent referring to people like me who like games such as SMG, MGS, and Halo as snobcore.