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Comrade Tovya said:
I'm actually a pretty open minded guy overall.. I'm pretty moderate on most social issues, but wow, do you ever say anything nice about any conservative?

She actually was quite competent, and did a very nice job in the debate against Biden.

But I've already talked enough to you between this thread and the other thread, to know well enough that anyone with a conservative outlook, either fiscal or social, will get a thumbs down on every detail by you.

Just because a liberal disagrees with a principal of mine doesn't mean I can't see their good points as well. I have the ability to say kind words about people, including liberals. I don't see the world in black & white, as there are gray areas as well.

Have you ever heard the old adage regarding assumptions? In the other thread you assumed I did not believe in the Bible, and now you assume I will criticize anyone with a fiscally conservative outlook. I may hold some liberal positions on certain social issues, but my economic positions are more conservative. In fact, I have challenged many members on their assertion that FDR and the New Deal ended the Depression. Ask any of the posters who have regularly interacted with me and they will attest that I am no liberal on economic issues.

Relative to the fact that she was the nominee for vice president, she was far from competent. She may be a good person and a good mother, but the job of president and vice president are beyond her faculties. 

*edit* Yes, I say nice things about a myriad of conservatives. For instance, I have always spoke glowingly of Robert Taft.