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Alby_da_Wolf said:


Retailers will give to PS3 and its games the shelf space justified by sales, they still give space to PS2, that now is selling less than every other console commercially available (but not bad at all). If Sony sticks to the 10 year plan developers won't be disappointed at all, like they aren't with PS2, obviosly PS3 must exceed 50million user base by 2011 end for this to happen, but even at the current sales rate it's not difficult at all. And again, 10 years PS3 life doesn'mean that PS4 will be released 10 years after PS3, it will happen very unlikely after 5 years, most probably after 6-7 years.


The PS3 won't sell half the systems the PS2 has.  If 50m is all it takes then I guess we'll have cluttered shelves because we'll also see the 360 and wii... AND next gen systems.  No retailer or developer is going to commit resources to support a 3rd place system.   It takes two to tango. 

You can't compare the ps3 and ps2 situations.